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Wedding Vows for Him: Tips, Examples, and Inspiration | Your Ultimate Guide

by Leah from Picta

Reading time: 5 minutes

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As your big day approaches, there are loads of things to get done … make sure the caterers are all set, the flowers have been picked out, your suit fits like a charm. And of course the dreaded task of writing your wedding vows. Don’t get me wrong, it’s one of (if not the) happiest days of your life and you’re all excited! But how can you put all that love and make sure to express yourself into wedding vows? Excited groom preparing for wedding day

Print Your Love Promise 💍

And with Picta, it’s never been faster or easier to create customizable photo greetings for your wedding! From Save the Dates, to Wedding Invites, to Thank You cards and beyond, Picta is like your built in wedding planner (well, almost)! Plus, they’re ready the same-day, taking some of the stress out of the planning. Choose from our hundreds of designs and customize with photos of the happy couple, text, and more. Sample Picta wedding card design

Turn Your Wedding Words into Art 🎨

image of one of our wedding cards

Wedding Vows for Him

  1. Write from the heart. The best things in life come from the heart and soul, so don’t hesitate to dig deep and channel those inner emotions to write your vows, after all, it is an emotional day! Groom writing heartfelt wedding vows

Eternalize Your Heartfelt Words 💌

  1. Add your own personal touch. These are your wedding vows, so make them personal to you and your soon-to-be bride or groom! Add in details about your relationships, funny inside jokes, etc. But don’t make it too personal either! You are in front of your friends and family, so keep the juicy anecdotes for later! Personal touches in wedding vows

Make Your Unique Vows Last Forever 🌟

  1. Don’t be afraid to write and rewrite. We’re not gonna lie, your first draft probably won’t be perfect, and that’s ok! (or maybe it is, and you’re just a master-wedding-vow-writer) Take it back to the drawing board and mull your thoughts over. Groom revising wedding vows

Rewrite & Reprint Your Vows 📝

  1. Practice makes perfect. Don’t be afraid do practice your wedding vows out loud to see how they roll off the tongue (and to make sure you’ve rehearsed a little bit!). Our tip? Practice in front of a mirror, or in front of an audience of pillows or stuffed animals. Groom practicing wedding vows

Practice & Print Your Perfect Vows 🗣️

  1. Don’t sweat the small stuff. No one is perfect and no wedding vows are perfect either! Don’t put so much pressure on yourself that this becomes a chore, it’s just the chance to let your honey know how much this big day means to you. Groom relaxing while preparing vows

Relax & Reflect, Then Print 🌿

Wedding Vow Examples for Him

  1. Traditional: "I, [Name], take you, [Partner's Name], to be my lawfully wedded wife/husband. I promise to love and cherish you, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for better or worse, and to be faithful to you until death do us part." Traditional wedding vow example

Classic Vows Printed Timelessly 🕰️

  1. Funny: "[Partner's Name], I promise to always laugh at your jokes, even if they're not that funny. I vow to be your partner in crime, your partner in wine, and your partner in all of life's adventures. I promise to make you smile, even on the days when you feel like strangling me. Today and every day, I choose you." Funny wedding vow example

Print Your Funny Vows & Smile 😄

  1. Unique: "[Partner's Name], from this day forward, I promise to be your unwavering support and your biggest fan. I vow to create a life filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities. I promise to stand by your side through thick and thin, and to always be there to lift you up when you need it. With you, my love, I have found my home and my forever." Unique wedding vow example

Unique Vows, Unique Prints 🌈

  1. Romantic: "[Partner's Name], my love for you knows no limits. From the moment our eyes met, I knew I had found my soulmate. You are the missing piece that completes me, the love that fills my heart with joy. I promise to hold your hand through life's ups and downs, to be your rock and your shelter. With every beat of my heart, I will love you unconditionally and cherish you for eternity." Romantic wedding vow example

Romance on Paper, Love in Life ❤️

  1. Cheesy: "From the moment I met you, [Partner's Name], I knew my life would never be the same. You are the cheese to my macaroni, the peanut butter to my jelly, and the love of my life. I promise to always keep the fridge stocked with our favorite snacks and to never leave the toothpaste uncapped. Today and always, I choose you." Cheesy wedding vow example

Cheesy Vows for Sweet Memories 🧀

  1. Serious: "[Partner's Name], today I stand before you with a heart full of love and a commitment that knows no bounds. I promise to honor and respect you, to support and encourage you, and to be there for you in every moment, both joyful and challenging. With you, I have found a love that is pure and true, and I am grateful every day for the gift of being your spouse." Serious wedding vow example

Print & Pledge Your Serious Promises 🌟

Feel free to add in details about your relationships and make the vows personal to you and your cherie! Hopefully these vows for him get your mind going and your pen flowing!