save the date card in front of a floral background

The Ultimate Guide to Sending Save the Dates: Timing, Methods, and Design

Originally Published Jun 03, 2024Updated Jun 03, 2024

The question is popped, the answer is yes, all the friends, family, and relatives have been informed of the big news … you’re getting married! Your first big step is to find a date and then let everyone know (again!) Read on to find out how to send save the dates to share the big news!

When to Send Save the Dates?

The first question is to handle the timing! Of course you’re so excited to let everyone know, however it’s important to keep in mind the timing of when to send out Save the Dates. Too early? People might be a little bit more forgetful to actually save the date (which is the whole point!). Too late? Calendars get booked up quickly and you risk to have a guest list that is a bit shorter.

How Far in Advance to Send Save the Dates?

The ideal window is around 6 months before your wedding date (and yes, this means you need to book a wedding venue to secure that date!). However there are a few exceptions to this rule.

Destination Wedding Save the Dates

Ready to leave the wintery snow for a tropical wedding to remember? Make sure to send your Save the Dates with a little more time to let your guests book tickets and lodging if you’re heading far. The ideal window is 8-12 months in advance. This lets your guests handle their budgets and make sure everything is squared away if they are heading away for your destination wedding.

Local Wedding Save the Dates

Maybe you and your significant other are childhood sweethearts who’ve grown up in the same town with all your friends and family close-by! To send Save the Dates when everyone is around, you can adjust for 4-6 months before your wedding day, as accommodation and transport is a bit easier to handle.

How to Send Save the Dates

Great question! There are a few different routes to take when sending your save the dates.

By Mail

Good ole’ fashioned snail mail is usually the go-to method when sending Save the Dates. I don’t know about you, but there is something so nostalgic and fun about receiving a letter in the mail, especially when its not a bill or junk mail! However, this method means planning a bit more in advance, you need your Save the Dates printed, envelopes, stamps, and of course, all the addresses of your invitees!


For a different and more recent way to Save the Date, you can create a wedding website with all the important info on it and send it to your guest list! While maybe a bit more time and/or money-saving for the newly engaged couple, this method comes with a few drawbacks. Firstly, there isn’t a physical card to hang on to (or hang onto the fridge!) so people are more likely to forget to … well, save the date! Secondly, older relatives may not be as tech-savvy and have some trouble accessing the website.

A Mix!

Why not do the best of both worlds and include a QR code on your Save the Date that redirects your invitees to your wedding website for more info.

How to Create Save the Dates

There are lots of different options when it comes to creating Save the Dates. Check out all our great (and customizable) hand-designed Save the Date card templates here. With 1-hour pickup and loads of designs, there is something for everyone!

Feel free to check out other options like wedding planning sites and other card companies to find what you’re looking for and for your budget.

You can also design your own Save the Date cards to give it a personal touch. We recommend going along with your wedding colors and theme, but it’s up to you to create the perfect card! Using apps like Canva or even Photoshop for the pros out there is a great way to get inspired.

I love using Pinterest to find the perfect card design as well - there are so many great options out there!

Finally, you can hire a wedding planner or a wedding card designer to create the perfect Save the Date that matches what you want for your wedding!

What to Include in Save the Dates

I think it goes without saying but the most important part of this card is the date! Start your card design with the names, who is getting married? Then add in the date and the location, and the time if you have it! The more info the better so that people can start planning early.

You can add in a QR code or a URL to your wedding website if you have one that has more information, or to your wedding registry for gifts, but it is not necessary as this information is usually included in the invitation.

Keep it simple and to the point! You don’t need lots of info, just the minimum so that your invitees can start getting pumped for your big day.

You can also include a photo of the happy couple, it’s a great way to add a personal touch to your save the date card.

We hope this guide helps shed a little more light on the dos and don’ts of sending your Save the Dates, especially figuring out when to send your send the dates, the first step in a beautiful journey that leads to the big day! Congrats!


Leah from Picta

Written by Leah from Picta

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Leah is a self-proclaimed iced coffee enthusiast, "word artist", and brunch connoisseur. 
By day, she makes a living by creating all this content you know and hopefully love for Picta on the blog, in your inbox, or on social media. 
By night, she enjoys cooking up something new in the kitchen, hopping on her road bike, and painting watercolors with a glass of rosé (or two or three)!

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