scrapbooking tutorial photos

7 Reasons to Start Scrapbooking

Originally Published May 28, 2024Updated Jun 03, 2024

How to print photos for scrapbooking?

Listen, I’ll be the first to admit that when I hear the phrase “scrapbooking,” my first thought usually goes to my grandmother making all of the grandkids a scrapbook full of baby photos. But what if I told you this activity has been respun and is now trendy?! 🤔

A scrapbook can be, simply put, a prettier photo album, OR you can put your own artsy spin on it. That’s the beauty of this hobby, it really can be whatever you make of it! It’s a great way to do something with all those old photos lying around, or a way to reminisce on past events, vacations, even the good ole days when the kiddos were learning to walk!

“Alright, alright … I hear you, but I’m not convinced” ….well then, pull up a chair, put on your thinking cap because I’m here with 7 reasons why you should try your hand at scrapbooking!

1. Your photos deserve to be seen, held and loved

(Yes, we just quoted ourselves!) but in all seriousness, your photos represent more than just the click of a button, they capture a moment in time, a memory. What better way to connect to these past snapshots in time, than by putting them on a page where they can be shown off and remembered by not just you, but anyone who happens to pick up your new favorite book!

2. “Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy“

Scrapbooking is as easy or detailed as you want it to be. Have some extra time on your hands? Go all out with stickers, sparkles and more! Want to keep it simple? No problem there, some pictures and maybe some text if you’re feeling inspired is all you need!

3. Get some #PositiveVibes flowing

Psychologically speaking, our memories are mostly happy times that we choose to reflect on. Keeping these good times close can help us stay positive and optimistic for the future. It’s that warm, fuzzy feeling you get when you stumble upon a post from 5 years ago on Facebook of your graduation, a family reunion or just a trip with your friends! 

4. Relax, unwind and get creative!

What better way to end a long day at work than with a relaxing project? Combine that with the creative aspect, and you’ve got two reasons in one to get started! Create your scrapbook the way you want to – there’s no guide to the wrong or right way to do it! Almost meditative, you can scrapbook to de-stress and take it easy, going along with the idea of reflecting on the good times to keep the positive memories close along with …

Scrapbooking cards? Yeah we have them ...

Ever wanted to create a card with a scrapbooking design? Thanks to one of our newest Picta designers, you can do just that! Say hello to our gorgeous scrapbook-inspired cards!

5. A non-screen time activity

Smartphones, tablets, even smartwatches … we are surrounded by the latest and newest technology! Don’t get me wrong, I love being connected to friends and family near and far, but sometimes it’s important to turn off the screen for your mental health, but also your eyes! Plunging yourself into a project can be the perfect distraction from your Candy Crush addiction!

6. A personalized gift for anyone!

Grandma definitely had the right idea and was ahead of this trend with her scrapbooks for the newest members of the family! It’s a great gift to give to a new mom, anniversary present to your fiancé, or even a graduate! And don’t get me started on birthday presents, I think I made at least 3 scrapbooks already this year (Thanks COVID-19 for the extra free time! 😅) and I’m not stopping anytime soon.

7. Time flies when you’re having fun …

Last but not least, scrapbooking can be a great way to keep track of the years that seem to fly by! Between birthdays, anniversaries, moving homes, your nephew who is now 2 years old … there’s life can be pretty fast-paced! But when we look at all the photos throughout those years, it reminds us how full and wonderful those years were. This lets us look back on the past while creating something for the future!

So there you have it! 7 great reasons why scrapbooking should be your new favorite activity. Excited to get started? Print your photos to get inspired and to have some materials to start your super scrapbook! Don’t forget to tag us on social media with the hashtag #LoveLifeMemories with your creations for a chance to be reposted!


Leah from Picta

Written by Leah from Picta

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Leah is a self-proclaimed iced coffee enthusiast, "word artist", and brunch connoisseur. 
By day, she makes a living by creating all this content you know and hopefully love for Picta on the blog, in your inbox, or on social media. 
By night, she enjoys cooking up something new in the kitchen, hopping on her road bike, and painting watercolors with a glass of rosé (or two or three)!

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